
5 Highly Recommended Tip For Women On Vaginal Infection

When visiting the toilet have you ever considered washing your hands BEFORE and after visiting the toilet?

Consider asking partners to wash their hands and especially under their fingers before any vaginal finger stimulation.

As above if you do engage in anal sex, please remember the penis or any toys used must be washed before they are reinserted into the vagina.

Especially for ladies suffering from vaginal odor, never direct perfumes and body sprays into the vaginal area.

Especially for ladies suffering from vaginal discharge, consider wearing white underwear.

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Signs of vaginal disease

Today i will be posting Vaginal diseases sign that we should look out for e.g lumps, discharge and sores:


The presence of unusual lumps in the wall or base of the vagina is always abnormal. The most common of these is Bartholin's cyst. The cyst, which can feel like a pea, is formed by a blockage in glands which normally supply the opening of the vagina. This condition is easily treated with minor surgery or silver nitrate. Other less common causes of small lumps or vesicles are herpes simplex. They are usually multiple and very painful with a clear fluid leaving a crust. They may be associated with generalized swelling and are very tender. Lumps associated with cancer of the vaginal wall are very rare and the average age of onset is seventy years.[14] The most common form is squamous cell carcinoma, then cancer of the glands or adenocarcinoma and finally, and even more rarely, melanoma.


The great majority of vaginal discharges are normal or physiological and include blood or menses (from the uterus), the most common, and clear fluid either as a result of sexual arousal or secretions from the cervix. Other non infective causes include dermatitis, discharge from foreign bodies such as retained tampons or foreign bodies inserted by curious female children into their own vaginas. Non-sexually transmitted discharges occur from bacterial vaginosis and thrush or candidiasis. The final group of discharges include sexually transmitted diseases, gonorrhoea, chlamydia and trichomonas. The discharge from thrush is slightly pungent and white, that from Trichomonas more foul and greenish and that from foreign bodies resembles the discharge of gonorrhoea, greyish or yellow and purulent (like pus).


All sores involve a break down in the walls of the fine membrane of the vaginal wall. The most common of these are abrasions and small ulcers caused by trauma. While these can be inflicted during rape most are actually caused by excessive rubbing from clothing or improper insertion of a sanitary tampon. The typical ulcer or sore caused by syphilis is painless with raised edges. These are often undetected because they occur mostly inside the vagina. The sores of herpes which occur with vesicles are extremely tender and may cause such swelling that passing urine is difficult. In the developing world a group of parasitic diseases also cause vaginal ulceration such as Leishmaniasis but these are rarely encountered in the west. HIV/AIDS can be contracted through the vagina during intercourse but is not associated with any local vaginal or vulval disease.

All the above local vulvovaginal diseases are easily treated. Often only shame prevents patients from presenting for treatment.


Treating Bacterial Vaginosis - What You Need to Know by RICK COZENKO

`Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is the most cause bring on of vaginal infection (vaginitis). Generally Speaking, lots of people refer to it as vaginal bacteriosis and it's not considered to be a sexually transmitted infection. BV is caused by an imbalance of naturally going on bacterial flora, and should not be confused with yeast infection, or infection with Trichomonas vaginalis (trichomoniasis) which are not caused by bacteria.
Symptoms and signs

The most usual manifestation of BV is an abnormal vaginal discharge (especially after sex) with an unpleasant fishy smell. While lots of women don't knowledge manifestations, a big number of women knowledge intense itching, swelling and irritation (which is why it is often misdiagnosed by patients and even health care practitioners as a yeast infection), further as stomach pains, which feel like severe cramps. By contrast, a 'normal' discharge will be odorless and will vary in consistency and amount with the menstrual cycle - a normal discharge is at its clearest about 2 weeks prior the period starts.


A healthy vagina normally contains a big number of microorganisms; lots of of the usual ones are Lactobacillus crispatus and Lactobacillus jensenii. Lactobacillus, mainly hydrogen peroxide-producing species, appears to help prevent another one vaginal microorganisms from multiplying to a level where they bring on manifestations. (Note: Lactobacillus acidophilus is not one of the species of Lactobacillus pointed out as playing a protective role in vaginal flora.) The microorganisms involucred in BV are extremely diverse, but include Gardnerella vaginalis, Mobiluncus, Bacteroides, and Mycoplasma. A change in normal bacterial flora including the reduction of lactobacillus, which could be thanks to the utilization of antibiotics or pH imbalance, facilitates more resistant bacteria to gain a foothold and multiply. In turn these create toxins which affect the body's natural defenses and construct re-colonization of healthy bacteria more complicated.









Your Vaginal Is Smelling

Do you know that all women suffered from vaginal oduor? Do you also know that we have different type of vaginal odour? It is believe that the vaginal is organ of the body that is known not to smell, infact it is odourless.If the vaginal is suppose to be oduorless then how can we justified the oduor that is coming out from a lot of woman around the world? Vaginal oduor is not a natural function of the human body rather it is a result of things that have gone wrong in the body, so if your vaginal is smelling know that something cause it.


So what causes vaginal oduor?

Vaginal oduor are cause by a lot of factors such as peeing, bacteria and parasite and many other more.


Not washing the vaginal thoroughly after peeing can cause vaginal oduor because If pubic hair is moistened by pee then the urine turns stale (rancid)therefore causing a more noticeable stench to become more public which can be very embarrassing when in the midst of people.


One common odour women complaining about which is mostly described as smelling like fish. Bacterial vaginosis is normally the reason for the 'fishy' odour excreted from the vagina. Bacterial vaginosis will need medical attention to rid the infection hence taking the fishy odour with it.


It is a known fact that vaginal is self cleaning but one still need to take some cleaning on it because despite the self cleaning mechanism in the vaginal bacteria and parasite still manage to get inside. When cleaning be careful because of the sensitive nature of the skin surrounding the vaginal and before you use any product please consult with the pharmacist or your doctor about any product you intend to use because they may contain chemicals.


Chemical can stripped from the vulva natural oils through inept chemical use on the skin leaving it dry and often irritated. As a result it leaves the smelly affected area more expose to infection.  Contact with the vagina by chemical can be highly extremely dangerous causing urinary tract infections if permitted to enter the urethra. Never use products recommended by others because what works for one may not works for the other. Medical conditions need to be determined for the right treatment to be prescribed.


So my sweet loving women If you have a smelly vaginal odour that gives you reason for concern or notice change in colour of discharge, the amount you lose texture and thickness, feel pain when urinating or see vaginal bleeding when not menstruating, then you must talk to your doctor.


Vaginal Infections - Tips On Pleasant Vagina Smell and Avoiding Infections

A healthy vagina is home to a variety of microscopic organisms. Normally they live harmoniously in an acidic environment that prevents the overproduction of any one species and fights foreign invaders.

 Vaginal infections however can cause a change in the smell and other unpleasant side effects.

 Here we will look at some common vaginal infections that change the smell of the vagina and give some common sense advice on keeping your vagina healthy.

 Vagina infections and the smell of the vagina are affected by lifestyle, diet, weight etc.

 Vaginal infections can be prevented and your vagina can have a healthy smell by following the tips below:

 1. Diet

 Eat a healthy diet cigarettes alcohol and drugs should be cut down, as should heavily spiced foods, junk food and red meat.

 Try and eat as naturally as possible and drink lots of water.

 2. Cleanliness

 Odor-producing bacteria can thrive on the vulva and must be cleaned off to prevent vaginal inflections.

 For most women find that washing the genital area daily with a simple, fragrance-free soap keeps them clean and fresh.

 Since your vagina essentially self-cleans, douching is unnecessary. In fact, douching upsets the delicate balance between good and bad bacteria in the vaginal ecosystem.

 Because infections such as yeasts are found in the intestine, It is important after going to the toilet to wipe front to back vaginal area first, rectum after.

 During sex it is very important to avoid contamination of the vagina with organisms from the bowel, or rectum.

 3. Clothing

 To prevent vaginal infections make sure your clothing "breathes," avoid tight garments and fabrics containing a high percentage of synthetic fibers.

 Keep in mind also that tampons and diaphragms left too long in the vagina can create a very strong unpleasant odour.

 4. Use condoms

 Finally, if you don't know your partner well, Use condoms and a spermicide to prevent infections.

 Below we have outlined 3 common vaginal infections, their symptoms, causes and treatments:

 1. Bacterial vaginosis

 Bacterial vaginosis (BV) accounts for around half of all vagina related health visits.

 About half of all women with BV vaginal infections have no obvious symptoms. The most common symptom is a thin, white to grey discharge with an offensive fish like smell.

 Because the odour is strongest when the discharge is exposed to an alkaline substance such as soap or semen, it will be at its strongest in the shower / bath, or after sex.

 BV is normally treated with antibiotics prescribed by a doctor and a visit is essential if you feel you have it.

 2. Yeast Infections

 Although yeast infections are probably the most common type of vaginal infection, many women never visit their doctor.

 Some simply recover naturally; others treat themselves with anti-fungal vaginal creams available without prescription.

 Classic symptoms of yeast infections include:

 Vulvar itching, irritation in the area and redness.

 If the urinary opening becomes inflamed, urination will probably be more frequent and may be uncomfortable.

 If the infection is severe, the vulva will swell and fine breaks, called fissures will form. Vaginal discharge will become thicker and whiter.

 Yeast infections are the result of excessive growth of a family of fungi that normally live and in the vagina.

 The most common of these infections is vulvovaginal candidiasis (VVC), which is usually caused by a fungus named Candida albicans.

 There are two types of VVC:

 Uncomplicated, a mild to moderate infection that responds well to therapy and recurrent Which, is more severe and often occurs in women who have diabetes or are infected with less treatable forms of yeast, such as Candida glabratia.

 Recurrent VVC,normaly occurs more than four times a year and needs longer initial treatment about two weeks and follow-up therapy for 6 months or more.

 Certain factors are common causes such as nylon and lycra clothing that traps heat and moisture.

 Other common causes include: Obesity, pregnancy, diabetes and suppression of the immune system during chronic illnesses, the use of oral contraceptives, and eating large amounts of sugars, starch, and yeasts.

 If you do have a yeast vaginal infection, your doctor will ordinarily treat you with either prescription or nonprescription antifungal creams and suppositories referred to earlier.

 3. Trichomoniasis

 Trichomoniasis, or "trich," is a sexually transmitted vaginal infection suffered by millions of women.

 While infection with trichomoniasis can be intensely uncomfortable, it is not a serious threat to health.

 The symptoms are normally vulvar and vaginal burning and itching. The burning may be most apparent after intercourse.

 In addition, there may be vulvar swelling and frequent and uncomfortable urination. There is a heavy vaginal discharge, usually yellowish or green, which may or may not have an offensive odor.

 The trichomonad is a minute parasite. It has three tails at its narrow end and swims with them and the white blood cells of the body follow.

 These blood cells literally surround a trichomonad and kill it by eating it. Symptoms occur only when the body's natural defense are swamped by with sheer number of reproducing trichomonads.

 Trichomoniasis is usually easily diagnosed by a quick trip to your doctor and antibiotic treatment cures it more than 90 percent of the time.


 The important point is if you have a vaginal infection don't be embarrassed, visit a health professional, who will give you the necessary treatment and cure the problem.


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